Kapture® is a highly concentrated solid block used as an additive to water for dust suppression. It can be applied to all types of clay, coal and siliceous matter using existing site water trucks, tankers or sprinklers, as well as injected into water supply lines.
Dust Suppression Product Range
Dust Suppression Block
The slow release formula makes DS600 the ideal choice for use in water supply lines.
Quick Dissolve Dust Suppression Block
The quick dissolve formula makes DS500-QD the ideal choice for use in water trucks, tankers or sprinklers.
Probiotic Quick Dissolve Dust Suppression Block
The added probiotic ingredient makes DS500-PQD the ideal choice for the environmentally conscious business.
Drill Assist Block
Designed for overburden drilling to not only suppress dust but create a smoother drilling process.
Benefits of
Kapture is working very well at our site and is definitely more productive. The amount of setup work required is less which has meant we can spray for a full 12 hour shift and cover double the amount of ground – this has resulted in production cost savings. The product itself is also soaking into the road, rather than sitting on top of the road like a crust as some opposition products do, which has meant fewer spray treatments are required.